Website Terms of Use

All information presented on this website is intended for your consideration only and is subject to your verification. It should not be taken as medical advice for any individual case or situation and does not establish or constitute a physician-patient relationship. Statements made on this website have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. You expressly acknowledge and agree that we are not responsible for the results of any decisions made based on your use of the website or receipt of our services.

Original Content Policy

The owners of reserve all rights to all original files and information contained on this website. Content may not be duplicated, copied, modified, or adapted in any way without our express written permission.

Our website may contain our service marks or trademarks as well as those of our affiliates or other companies in the form of words, graphics, and logos. Your use of our website does not constitute any right or license for you to use our service marks or trademarks without the prior written permission of the owners of 

External Content Policy

This website features instances of embedded content and links to external content. These external sources are provided for convenience, informational, and entertainment purposes. Users must exercise discretion in how they choose to interpret and use this information. Our use of these links and embedded items does not necessarily constitute endorsement, approval, or agreement with any of the content found on these external sources. We are not responsible for the accuracy or appropriateness of any information, opinions, or statements. Moreover, we are not responsible for any advertisements that may be displayed on external websites or subsequent links from those sources. If you have questions or concerns, please contact the site administrator(s).

Privacy and Communication Policy

The doctor and team at Infuse OC remain committed to your privacy. We will never sell, rent, share, or otherwise distribute your personal information with any third party without your permission. Testimonials submitted through this website are done entirely voluntarily and may be used on our website, social media, and other marketing materials. We will not, however, share any identifying information.

When contacting our practice through the forms on this website and by other digital means, we may ask you to provide basic information that allows us to reply to your message. It is completely voluntary for you to provide this information, but when you do, we make the assumption you have agreed to our use of that data. Moreover, when you use digital means to contact our practice, we make the assumption that you understand that while we make every effort to adhere to internet security best practices, no form of digital communication is 100% secure. In the unexpected and unlikely event of a data breach, you will be notified immediately. 

Please understand that contacting our practice does not automatically constitute a doctor-patient relationship. 

Cookies and Data Collection

Our website administrators may collect non-personal information provided by your browser when you request a page view from your server. This information may include your browser time, IP address, and access times. Our web team uses this information for supporting website operations and to evaluate traffic patterns for our website.

Some of the statistics we may collect and use include volume, traffic patterns, referral sources, login activity, and other information related to our website to support our operations. We may use an internet technology known as “cookies” to identify your device in subsequent visits. This technology does not allow us to access any of the information on your hard drive. You have full control over the use of cookies in your browser settings. You may choose to accept all cookies, reject all cookies, or receive notifications when a cookie is sent. If you set your browser to reject cookies, you may not be able to use all the features of our website that require them.

We reserve the right to use all products and services offered by Google and Meta (as well as comparable services offered by their competitors), including but not limited to Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager, Google Search Console, Google Ads, Google Remarketing, Facebook Advertising, and Instagram Advertising. The use of these services may involve implementation of a “pixel” or other piece of code that helps our marketing team ensure the effectiveness of our advertising efforts. These bits of code do not collect personally identifying information, but they do collect information about your interactions with our website, such as clicks and form submissions. You may also choose to prevent this data collection using your browser’s privacy settings and third-party ad blockers.

If you have questions or concerns about our privacy policy or terms of use, please contact us at